Logbook entry

Into the Black Log 14

09 Mar 2020Marcus1701

That last jump, dropping into the system hearing the welcoming traffic reports. I made my way to the station keeping my eyes open for any odd pirate. Someone might try to spoil the last legs.

Hearing traffic control approve my docking request I set the system on auto and sat back. Docking the Anaconda was a dream compared to all those landings on planets and rocks.

Touchdown and engines off ship secured.

Finally I could relax fully. Now was a time to register all the data. That took some time. The amount of first finds, new systems and probe data added up. 300 million credits. That was a good trip. But, do I now follow up on the Rift and try to find who was or is behind it all?

I think I will do something different for a time. Combat seems to call me again and a proper combat ship.
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︎0 Shiny!
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