Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Meet our Fleet #1 - Chip Shot (KeelBack)

01 Sep 2019Rex-Cramer
This is the first in a series of entries aimed at introducing our services in the Colonia area.  The first ship we profile is "Chip Shot" a Lakon Keelback purchased in the SOL bubble.

Chip Shot was our first deep core mining vessel.  Her original configuration was designed to haul 64 tons of refined material from local mining locations.  She was outfitted to either crack rocks or use laser mining to liberate material.  This was the first ship to seriously begin to bring in credits to the operation.  In the 64T configuration she could reach as far as 80LY and return with cargo.  For longer range runs it was necessary to fit a fuel scoop reducing her cargo to 32T but with effectively unlimited range.  This allowed the mining of systems well outside the bubble where some truly rich resources were available. This ship was what took us from a few million to 100 million.  

Reasonably fast and nimble with engineering on power plant, FSD, and thrusters she could also escape interdiction or run from a fight with hull intact. She has survived numerous encounters with pirates and a couple CMDRs that just wanted to see her burn but her speed and hull kept me and my cargo safe.

This is also the ship that brought our operation 22,000LY to Colonia.  After we arrived a number of options were opened for new ships and this ship would become largely obsolete for further mining operations.  However being the ship that brought me out to the frontier, I could not just sell her off.  After fitting up some passenger cabins and great "virtual window" technology for the cabins she has found new life as a short range passenger ship for taxi or some sight-seeing runs.  Not your typical Dolphin or Orca but we offer low cost, high quality transportation for those that might not otherwise be able to get out there.  

A solid ship and great investment.  Let us know if you need a ride!

Taking on Asteroids in her first life:

Riding neutron stars to Colonia in her second life exploring:

Taking a work crew to new opportunities in her third life:
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︎8 Shiny!
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