Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
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Elite V
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Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Time to reflect and reboot in Colonia

30 Sep 2019Rex-Cramer
The conflict in Carcosa is over and I for one am happy to see it end.  Destruction of the Nameless or their shipyard was not something I wanted to see but I had hoped that the fighting there would allow opportunity to bring back lawful control to Pennsylvania but unfortunately that was not to be.  It's always disappointing, but once again I think human nature is generally apathetic and it played out here as it has so many other times through history.  Those that complain loudly about injustice all too often turn their backs to the risks involved in combating it.  A small group of commanders with limited equipment said 'no' to lawlessness and stood their ground.  In the end they lost all but the early skirmish but at least they did stand up and fight for what they believed in.  However it was a bit jarring to see how the independent commanders in Colonia seemed to side solidly with Anarchy.  Frankly, that is enough to make one pause and contemplate the fight and your place in it.

With things as they are I have decided to take a bit of a break to consider my way forward from here.  One of the best ways to clear my head is to strap into my DBX and in 10 jumps I'm 500LY away from my worries!  It felt good to put away the guns and fighters and get out the spectroscope and SRV again.  Soon enough I was adding new neutron stars and planets to the cartographic database and finding new planetary ring systems.  I've been surveying largely class B stars below Colonia nebula.  Metallic rings have been hard to come by, even harder, any hot-spots worth noting but I'll continue my survey of the region at 300 to 600LY distant in an effort to open up and document further economic and material gathering opportunity.  I even logged my second biological find since coming to Colonia. A planet in the searing heat of a blue star with anemone fields on the sun-bathed side.  Truly it's remarkable where life can take hold.  

With time and distance to consider, this will remain my focus. This event has reminded me that my business here should be business, not politics and war.  My place is not to command Colonia how to develop. To that end I'll return to my efforts to supply the materials and supplies needed to make business here tick.  I still believe that lawful government and good security are keys to making business most profitable, but the commanders in Colonia will ultimately have to come to terms with just how far they are willing to see the wild-west spread in from the edges.  The Nameless faction may be tolerable neighbors and friendly mobsters, but, will everyone else be that rides those coat-tails?  Is an extra ship hull the best reward to allow a firmer grip to those that follow no law but their own?  These are questions we all have to ask and answer within.
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