Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
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Overall assets
Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Meet The Fleet #4 - Occams Razor

11 Nov 2019Rex-Cramer
While Narada has become my favorite mining ship in our fleet, it has one serious drawback that is highlighted in the Colonia region bubble.  It requires a L pad to set down.  This leaves us unable to deliver to outposts which make up a large number of stations in the region.  With the inexplicable station laws requiring full cargo transfer to the active ship this means we often have to sell a large portion of the load at sub-optimal price and then transfer to our hauler Krait.  

“Occams Razor” is a Python configured as a hauler, stripped down to carry only cargo.  With a capacity of 260 tons of cargo it can take on the entire haul from Narada and deliver it to any station or outpost.  It largely erases our need for a medium class mining ship.  Narada can handle the mining and Occams Razor can take the cargo wherever the demand is highest. While not outfitted as a combat ship it has teeth enough to defend its load from piracy.  We will be working on improving its defense to allow it to evade/escape even combat oriented interdiction.  We are still getting acquainted but it's handling and maneuverability are good. It's far more able to evade interdiction than either of our large ships and so it's a natural fit for the delivery role.

The ship’s name comes from it being a solution to needing separate mining ships to handle outpost missions as well as bulk mining and M cargo delivery.  It’s the simple answer to the problem.

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