Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry


05 Dec 2019Rex-Cramer
============= Ships Log (3305-12-03) Flyiedgai TL-C D13-10 =======

After a rest stop at Sacaqawea Port we loaded up Narada and replaced what supplies we'd burned so far as well as refilling armament.  I decided to give Kayley an opportunity to rank up her skill certification with a short patrol cruise in the rings of an active extraction site.  We dropped in to a pretty serene environment. A lot of Type-6 and 7's laser mining and not much else.  Thinking we had been told a tale, I was about to call it off when the first customer dropped in.  A beefy Federal Assault Ship, with 2 Vipers in tow came in and made a bee-line for a transport ship.  We arrived just in time for them to open up on the transport.  Kayley was on one the vipers before I could finish my sentence and I took the FAS and second Viper's attention. We spent several hours in the ring flying cover for the mining crews. Then we got the incoming message.  Kayley's data transmitted to the local pilot's fed extension had been reviewed and she had attained the rank of "Master".  The smile on her face went ear to ear.  We'd not had much opportunity prior to get her into action and rank up but I was glad I had made time for it now.  We broadcast that our cover-flight was about to exit the ring and good-luck and waked out.

A nebula had caught Kayley's eye on the way in to the port and she'd mentioned how nice it would be to see up close as a wishful statement knowing we were on a pretty direct course back to bubble space from here.  I told her to go ahead and hang out on the bridge for now as I quietly laid in a course to the neutron star that was lighting up this emission nebula and began our jump sequence.  It was entertaining to see her somewhat confused look as each wrap around a fuel star ended with us pointing that way again.  Finally she looked over and asked timidly "Are... you going there", pointing at the now slightly larger nebula?  "Sure am", I said, "I mean if a **master** fighter pilot wants to see something on the way home, you do it right"?  "Gotta keep the crew happy", I smirked.  "Thanks... Frank"., she said with a blush and genuine smile.  I wiped off my smirk and nodded.  I had always been Boss, Sir, Cramer, or Cap, this was the first time I was 'Frank'.

After about 20 jumps the nebula was really starting to show detail.  The nebula behind us looked like a dark bird surrounded by a red glow.  The one ahead looked like, well, like the hand of God reaching into the void.  It was the first thing that popped into my head as I looked.  Each jump closer just made it look more like that.  Soon the others were gathered in too.  With 5 jumps left we had dinner and then just spent some time enjoying the view.  Kayley was leaned up to the main window just looking all around with the lights dimmed.  Finally I said "Alright folks, we're going to make these last 5 jumps quick and hit the neutron system.  If there are landables there we'll do some collecting.  Lets get the ship prepped to land and overnight there".  As Edwin and Karoline nodded and exited the bridge Kayley lingered back. As she walked by she leaned in, gave me a VERY unexpected peck on the cheek and said "Thank you for today".  It was only then I noticed her hand slide off of mine and she sprinted off the bridge before I could even react.  I was just left thinking to myself "Wouldn't have missed the opportunity for 100T of diamonds".

The neutron star system was something of 'guest book' system.  Many commanders choosing to map one or two planets as an "I was here" marker.  I added mine to the list and set down on a moon with Zirconium to collect around some volcanic features.  After collecting what we could at a couple of sites we shutdown for a rest cycle and then it's back to the jump-grind for occupied space.  We will not be stopping at any further outposts on the way.

Dust looks like a black bird in space.

Our "Hand of God" Nebula

Hunting Zirconium on our 'guestbook' moon

CMDR R. Cramer
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