Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Jack of All Trades

01 Apr 2020Rex-Cramer
While Kayley has been healing up the crew have been keeping busy with work all around the Witch Head region.  I've even been able to finally score that solo kill on an Interceptor that I was wanting so badly.  AX-DragonFly may not be the best ship out there for anti-xeno work but with skill it can handle it.  I've also helped my mate take down 2 Medusas we encountered on patrol.  Those are certainly no joke when it comes to dishing out damage but us armed with 7 gauss cannon between us really we can make a good show of disassembling those beasts systematically.  My combat piloting skills are improving as is my ability to work in FA-off.  We've also been working hard to repair the station in Lembass as well hauling thousands of tons worth of goods in Horosha which was stripped and outfitted to haul 720 tons per trip.  We usually have to work some back room trades to the local factions to make repair runs profitable.  Bringing in some goods not needed for the repair effort on contract just to keep the trip worth the time and fuel.  I don't know what the repair contractors think but I assume their piss-poor pay for required commodities contributes to the number of stations still under repair here and in the bubble.  

We took a quick run 500ly south of Witch Head to scout for needed materials and do some mining.  Fighting the Thargoids has depleted my reserves of Iron and Nickle so I was keen to find HMC worlds or metallic rings to replenish that supply.  We found some interesting systems, but none that were unexplored.  One discovered but un-mapped gas giant at 250Kls had a particularly dense icy ring that proved a good hunting ground for LTD cores.  We exhausted our seismic charges and limpets just as we tucked in the lat ton of refined mineral.  Returning with 180 tons of diamonds and the remaining 76 tons in Void Opals and Granderite brought in around 200 million overall.  Plenty to cover Kayley's bills and keep my outfit turning a real profit.

It was with a great sense of relief that I saw Kayley return to work.  Her left arm is still taped up but mobile now.  Her vision has returned to normal and so has that smirking smile of hers.  She got right back in the swing of things getting the books sorted out and taking care of business that was needed that even I had forgotten about.  She helped broker the sale of the LTDs for us.  Never one to wallow in pity she's working to get herself ready to fly again.   She's said when we return to Colonia that she would like to get out on some of the science run for the white dwarf survey in Dryooe Prou.  I'll be more than happy to have her along.  We're both getting restless to return to the frontier again.  

Bringing Dragonfly in after a tussle with a cyclops

Mining in the black for LTDs

Hunting for Iron, Nickle, and Yittrium
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