Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

A New Chapter Ahead.

22 Apr 2020Rex-Cramer
Sitting in the dim light of the Restaurant with Kayley's big smile across the table from me, the waiter uncorked a very expensive bottle of real red wine to go with an outrageously extravagant steak, shrimp and lobster dinner.  Yes, actual meat from an actual cows, shrimp and lobsters.  Tonight was a time for celebration.  Kayley and I had secured the future of the enterprise.  Kayley was now a vested owner with a 15% stake.  I now had sole controlling ownership with 70% stake and one early investor converted to ownership as well with another 15% stake.  The rest had been paid the agreed credits on their options and left the conference room many hundreds of million richer.  We were free of the investment committee and I was no longer required to purchase the remaining 30% outstanding.  It was a great day.

As we finished up our celebration dinner with a toast to "The new chapter ahead", I laid out the future plans for the company:

"So.  Now that we are in the black and don't need to worry about PPE to credit ratio I have a proposal", I stated after tapping the edge of my plate to interrupt Kayley and Asher's discussion.  They both cocked their heads slightly and looked at me inquisitively.  

I leaned into the table, "We have an opportunity now to enter a number of fields that I think interest all of us and bring significant resources to them.  Myself with mining and science, Kayley with security and escort, and Asher you with exploration and science as well.  What I'm about to propose is a major investment of free capitol but I think it will bring a significant chance for us to even further extend our independence as a major corporation", I started.  "I'm proposing that we invest in a capitol-class carrier for the company". As I finished the words both faces looked shocked and Asher's shoulders fell back.  

"Rex, are you suggesting we become... what?  A navy or something?", Asher asked.  "I mean I'm not at all interested in becoming a mercenary military force", he continued.  "Those outfits always go bad eventually and leave everyone and everything the worse for it".

"No that's not what I'm driving at Asher", I responded.  "The goal is not a for-hire army, although security work is and will remain part of our portfolio of service.  No, what I'm talking about is a home of our own in space.  A mobile city that we control and without the need to grease corrupt palms to operate.  A carrier that lets us move to the regions we want to work in and not need ferry pilots to move the fleet.  I know, the cost is going to be eye-watering at first but I'm asking you to consider the possibilities.", I pushed on.  "Cargo storage that we control.  The ability to set out our own prices and contracts.  Folks, that's freedom that we just have never had before".

Kayley spoke up, "We don't have near the funds to do that though, do we"?  I knew she was only half asking.  "I mean it's got to cost more than 4 billion", she finished.

"More actually.  I've run the numbers and I think we will need 7.5 billion to make it work", I said to a gasp from Asher.  "We currently have about 5 billion in liquid assets and another 1.6 available as a line of credit.  That leaves us about 1 short and you know as well as I do that we can make those credits."

Asher jumped in, "But why would we give up what we have now and take on that monster"?

"Look", I turned to Asher, "You know as well as I do that we could all walk away tonight with enough money to never need to work again.  You, me, Kayley, what's left to make?  You can both fund a new company today or retire to some sparsely inhabited world and never lift another finger and the big chance was back there in that conference room.  But we're all still here, we all still want to do more.  Well, I say let's do that 'more' together!  Let's cut loose from the stations, the politics, the sweaty fat man that wants his cut to keep the mobbed-up cops off your back.  I like mining and I like the science out there and I know you like exploration.  Now we would have a platform to operate in our own time and direction".

I could see my speech was having some effect.  Asher's expression was no longer wild-eyed panic, but he was still nervous.  Kayley was harder to read but I could tell she was less opposed to it initially but her concerns would be financial.  I needed something to push them over the edge. I didn't need permission but these are the two people I WANTED to go into this with so I needed them to agree to come with me, not sell to some unknown twit that I'd never worked with before.  I had an idea.

"So, right now. Today. You can sell your stakes on the market for 1.5 billion between the two of you right?", they both nodded in agreement.  

"Probably not quite that", Kayley interjected.  

"So let's say that this is my idea, my big dream, and so what if I shoulder the majority of all the risk?", eyes perked up as I said it. "We write up a contract that puts you as top claims to 1.1B against the company.  If it all goes south, I'm out the big money and you've each lost no more than 15% of where you sit today.  The captain goes down with his ship.  If you're still afraid to take that deal then I can't see why you'd stick around anyway.  Think about that".

We batted around some ideas and concerns in crewing up such a large ship and soon the check had arrived.  This meal had cost as much as some residences in the station but we had all enjoyed the meal all the more as each of us had come from pretty austere backgrounds.  It had been a long way up the ladder to get here.

At the exit to the swanky restaurant, Asher shook my hand and said he'd get back to me this week, but his demeanor and face said I had a 60/40 shot at keeping him in.  Kayley walked over with a deliberate poker face, and stood in front of me, looked me up and down and then leaned in slowly to my ear.  "Be sure it has a hot-tub" she whispered in my ear then slid to the side with a touch of my shoulder and walked away with that same deliberate, upright, cocky gate and disappeared around the corner as she shot back her playful smirk.

I laughed to myself, "Man, what have I gotten myself into".  Time to run those numbers a forth and fifth time I think.
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