Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry


14 Dec 2020Rex-Cramer
In space everything moves in revolution.  Hours, days, weeks, years, millennia, but eventually you find that you are back again.  So it seems it is for Leviathan's Reach.  After setting out from the home systems of Platinum Imperium Corp we headed for Colonia, certain that we would stay for the long haul.   The plans were to make exploration and mining a big part of our activity and to support science and commerce in the region when back at dock.  "The best laid plans", as the saying goes.

The shake down out to Colonia was fine.  Kinks were found and worked out and by the time we arrived the ship was running like clockwork.  Fuel efficiency was higher and it looked good.  We were able to sell what small amounts we had picked up on the way at good prices and while fuel was not abundant it was at least available.  Next we made a very short run to around 1500LY where we picked up and mapped about 50 systems and mined a pretty nice sample of most metals and minerals to bring back.  That test loop went exceedingly well but the traffic in Colonia was noticeably increased.

After that test run, we decided to take 3 months out to several local nebula to study, explore, and mine.   Our reserves were low, around 2000T remaining, but we expected to refuel on return with the proceeds of the sale.   How much things can change in a few months.

Kayley took a trip back to Kojera mid-deployment and when she returned the news was stark.  There had been a crush of carriers that descended on the region after our first short test loop and now there was no fuel to be had.  None.  Other carriers were bringing in fuel for the desperate but the cost started at double and usually FAR higher.  If we wanted fuel we'd have to mine it or just about destroy any profit earned on the metals and mineral load.   At a subsequent meeting of senior staff we decided to extend the deployment and make for a more remote region planned for later.  We would add tritum to the mining rotation and attempt to gather 6000T.  If the situation in Colonia was improved upon our later return we would stay and continue.  If not we would have options at that point.

By the time we had returned the news from the Sol Bubble was "interesting".  The shock waves of the activities there were hitting us out here all the same.  Markets were in free fall and quite volatile.  Prices on many metals had been turned on their heads.  The fuel situation was still dire and many carriers had scrapping crews working on them.  We were able to raise around 300M from the haul but really that was getting us nowhere.  The fuel was still simply not there.

A final meeting was called and we agreed that with the activity taking place back in the bubble and the small volatile market here now flooded with the stranded we should return.   While the situation back there is tense there is far more market to satisfy and many of us with Imperial ties felt wrong to sit it all out while others did the work and fighting.   With that we stopped in Kojera one last time to button up contracts and resupply what we could for the trip back.


Setting down in Kojeara for the last time.
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