Cmdr Rex-Cramer
Freelancer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Colonia Dreamers
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry


15 Dec 2020Rex-Cramer
I was at the back of Icarus talking to Roberto as we watched the last of the provision crates loaded into the Cutter, Norikura when out popped Ashkari, an acquaintance from my first stint in Colonia.  

"Rex, can I get moment", he asked?   "Sure thing, let me wrap up here and I'll be right with you".

I placed a nice smile over the irritation.  I hate when people can see you are speaking and just barge in to interrupt.  I made sure to keep him waiting an extra couple minutes of questions for that one.  

"Okay Ash, what can I do for you", I inquired.

"I hear you head back towards the old world", he started.  "I have proposition for you.  There is group I work with back in your, ummm, neck of the woods.  They are trying to, ehhhh, 'acquire' a data that has been stashed far outside bubble.  So far they have no luck getting anyone to make trip out to grab it.  This would be close along your path back.  Could be worth your while to snap it up".

I listened to the pitch and once he finished I took a moment to mull it over.

"So, what's the catch Ash", I asked.  "Whose going to be waiting on me to put rails up my ass for having that data.  DO NOT bullshit me here Ashkari, If you lie on this I'll fund the damn hit myself."  

"No Catch, Rex.  The data was hot and system authority would scan many ships so no way to get it into system before.  The thief stashed far outside bubble but now the temperature down and easier to get into system, but so far away that none will go for the money", he explained.

"Okay, so I'm doing this for some poors that can't pay?  Why would I want to do this again", I asked probing him for some detail on the money.

"They can pay but pay is 8.5 million.  That all they have and they can't get anyone to make the big trip for that.  But for you, not big trip, just small bump to pick up, yes".  He continued.  "Really this easy money, data is hide at abandoned settlement.  I can give key to old comm sat that will show location to pickup the data point.  Then just take to Kitchang Mu and my people pay you."

I was not sure I completely bought the idea that this was quite so simple but eight and half million for a small bump in the flight path seemed like enough to make it worth looking at.

"Okay Ash", I said.  "What's the system"?

He scribbled down Prou Aescs HW-S B3 1-2 on a slip of paper and passed it off to me along with an authority contact in Kitchang Mu to see on my arrival and scurried off with a short bow and handshake.

"Who was that weasel looking guy and what was that all about", Roberto asked.  

"Just an old acquaintance, and meet me in the conference room on command deck.  We have a small course adjustment to make.", I said.

"Sounds mysterious, anything exciting", he laughed.

"We've been out here too long for exciting", I chuckled back.  "Lets roll".
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