Logbook entry

First Log - Progression

30 Aug 2019Lapstrake
I am new to the black. I received my license a few weeks ago, and quickly found a vocation in exploration.

The Hauler is a fantastic starter exploration vessel. Having completed just a few courier missions, I was able to purchase my Hauler and outfit it for optimal jump distance.
With a max jump of ~31LY, I have quickly amassed earnings of ~CR.33m, and ventured hundred of light years around the local sector.

For now I have set stall at Rafferty’s Mobius, in Azrael system. It is under the influence of the Order of Mobius, a faction which is currently in the process of expanding into another system. I entered into alliance with the faction immediately following the sale of my backlog of Cartographics to the authority onboard, and my plan is to run high tier missions from the station.

First on the agenda is to procure cabin and cargo modules to outfit the Hauler for short range passenger and trade routes. Alternatively, the nearby starport, Extra Refinery, offers the Dolphin which is a fine exploration and passenger ship. However, no cabin modules are sold in this system.

My long term plan is to visit the Sol system, but there are many sights I plan to see along the way, and perhaps even further down the line.

I also spotted a Thargoid signal near Azrael. I will return to the system to investigate.

CMDR Lapstrake, signing out.
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