Logbook entry

Personal Log. 08.22.3305

25 Aug 2019Bishop R88
I purchased a Diamondback Explorer. I was looking to try my hand at stellar cartography. Left the bubble for the first time too. I actually really enjoyed it. I went way out into the black, farther than I thought I would ever go! Scanned a bunch of planets and stars, things other people had already discovered it seemed, but I mapped a bunch of stellar bodies no one else had!

When I made it all the way back to Reynolds Terminal in BD+15 2847 I made a pretty penny for what I'd discovered! I would say all in all it was pretty great. I enjoyed myself, despite the loneliness of being in space that far out with no one but your COVAS to talk to, I actually enjoyed the chance to explore and discover new places.

I've been searching GALNET for more information on how to make money as an explorer. How to maximize my potential. There were some helpful Commanders who pointed me in the right direction. I think I'm going to go back out, see what else there is to explore. I'd like to try my hand at this for a little bit longer.

The only other thing I'd like to look into doing is perhaps Search and Rescue, but as I understand it, there isn't much of a living in that line of work. I'd be better off working as a nurse on a medical vessel or something far less exciting.

I'm headed for Citi Gateway next. To refuel and restock. I hear they have a few good bars there. Maybe I'll stop by and have a drink or two. After that, I'll head back out, maybe plot a course straight toward the center of the galaxy. There are a lot of stars out that way, maybe a few of them haven't been discovered yet. Who knows...
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