Logbook entry

Personal Log 08.28.3305

31 Aug 2019Bishop R88
Well, I met my first Fuel Rat. An angel named Flossy saved me from dying in the middle of nowhere. I cannot be more grateful for the Fuel Rats and what they do. We had a very embarrassing conversation about the fact I should have known better than to run out of gas, considering I have a fuel scoop and all. I had no clue you could filter what types of stars show up on your galaxy map, and no idea I could plot my routes using those filters. If I had, obviously I would have made my way through systems I could scoop. It's all so stupid!

Oh well, I guess...

I've made it more than 2,000 light-years from Gateway. Needless to say, it's the farthest I've ever been from home. So far I've mapped a lot of planets. Many I'm sure aren't going to net me a lot of credits, but I think the concept of having my name on all those locations as being the first person to map them is pretty cool! Good to know I'll be remembered for something.

I've also discovered a few planets and stars that weren't previously in the galaxy map! A couple of Earth-like planets even!  There's just so much left to be found, it amazes me how BIG the galaxy is... how big the universe is! It really puts you in your place when you begin to think about how small you are.

My goal, I've decided, is the Lagoon Nebula. It'll be the farthest point in space I'll have ever traveled and it seems a pretty remarkable place to explore. I'm uncertain if I'll turn back once I'm there. I'm sure I'll spend some time in the nebula, charting systems that haven't been charted, mapping planets and such... But I don't know if I'll turn around and come back or if I'll just keep going. I should probably turn back, take the Halifax to a port somewhere, get her tuned and taken care of. Turn in my exploration data too. Make some credits. Then maybe I'll head back out. I really haven't decided yet.

Leo, how much food do we have left?

[LEO:] Potentially, with rationing, you could stretch your food supply for another two months, if you wanted, Commander.

Well, I don't think I could stay out in the black that long. At least not yet...

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Leo, end personal log...
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