Logbook entry

Personal Log 09.06.3305.2

06 Sep 2019Bishop R88
[CELESTE:] Now recording, Commander.

Thank you...

I've done it. I buckled down after a long discussion with myself and I purchased a new ship. The Asclepius. She's an Anaconda, biggest ship I've ever flown, and, well, let's just say it was pretty intimidating at first, but I'm so glad I followed through and bought her.

I've begun outfitting her as a medical vessel. She'll be able to fly into nearly any situation, deliver medical supplies, personnel, even take up to 80 patients at a time. I'll be outfitting her with a few powerful weapons and shields, just for defense, and a hanger bay for a couple of support fighters. I've also spent the extra credits and put in an ambulance bay with four retrofitted scarabs for picking up patients on the ground.

I'll need to hire a crew. A couple of co-pilots, pilots for the fighters, ambulance drivers, and of course, medical staff. I'll need a few surgeons, nurses and nurse assistants. then, of course, there will be support personnel. All in all, I think I'll be hiring at least forty people.

It's a daunting thought, being not only in charge of that many people but responsible for them. But I can't spend my whole life waiting for things to change or get better. And as the commander of my own ship, I can decide where we go, who we help, and we won't EVER give anyone over to pirates or slavers.

I'm looking into getting some grants, maybe we can start an organization. A nonprofit. A group of commanders, more than just myself who help people in need. Maybe we could eventually get a hospital ship, a fleet carrier or something. I don't know but the options are there.


More updates to come.
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