Logbook entry

Personal Log 02.011.3308

07 Mar 2022Bishop R88
[Celeste] Recording now Commander.

Thank you. Personal Log...uh...two, eleven, oh eight. I...uh... Jesus.

It's been a really long time since I made one of these. I thought I could do it. I thought I could pilot my own ship, run my own crew. Turns out I have some pretty serious PTS. The attack on the station, the pirates. Rushing back out into the black. All of it...it really messed me up. I needed to take some time off. Work the problem. I can't pretend anymore.

I've been seeing a therapist. For the...last three years now. I think... I think I finally have a handle on my problems. Only one way to find out though. I've hired a crew. I've still got the Asclepius. We're headed out to the front. To rescue people who need it. Bring supplies. Do what we got to do to make the galaxy a better place.

I only hope... [Ten Seconds of Silence] ...I only hope I have what it takes to pull this off. There are a lot of people counting on me this time.
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