the journey (descending into madness) prt.8
25 Jan 2021Mardraum
Omega Sector OD-S b4-0Upon Arriving in this system I was immediately interdicted by some twat called "Matt Retallack" don't really know the purpose, however he didn't seem like a nice guy.
Well nothing I could do about it, its not that Walker has any defensive capability. Luckely this guy just scanned me and left me be. always exciting to get interdicted, its always a surprise.
The Rock of Isolation...
At least they did have some artificial gravity in here, so I did have a few good nights, and spent the rest of the days exploring the bar in this mega-ship.
Met a few nice people there, including a dude who calls himself "Shrink", had a few conversations about my trip and the way Isolation made me feel.
He told me, "Shit is REAL, man", we are being monitored, always observed. Then he started rambling on about multiple dimensions, and the "fact" there are dimensions so advanced they can actually look in to other dimensions. That is supposedly where that feeling comes from, "they" are watching me, at least according to him.
Well I don't know anything about that, sounds like a load of crap to me, I mean, what's so interesting about me that some dude form another dimension is watching me...
But maybe he's right.
Maybe not... We'll see... Or not...
Starting the way back tomorrow. now it's time to sleep off this nasty hangover.
To be continued...