Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Sidewindering the thargoid threat

If you haven't received many updates from me, this is correct. I've moved temporarily to a parallel universe that is about to see its wavefunction collapse. It's known as Consolia:PS4.
But... ! I've been having a blast zooming around in my sidewinder, Hiding in capital ships to avoid bugpulses. And generally practising my fixed weapon aim.

It's been a blast! I managed to collect an Anaconda worth of bounties and eventually ended up in the top 50%. Yay! I'm even somewhat proud of it.
Now I'm by no means AX, I'm growing more AH with every passing second, but this was kind of my first dip into plucking flowers. So I actually had to fly some kilolightyears to collect enough guardian garbage to get some sort of plasma gun.

Let me tell you, there's no way I could dent a Hydra. They are formidable. And I'm on the camp that thinks Thargoids are simply reacting to a pest-infestation in their territory. (You know, those self-proclaimed "sapient" monkeys that can't seem to grasp how reproduction works and just keep breeding). Alas instead of inviting me to fight on their side some bugface took a shot at me... Apparently IQ is not a set parameter for Thargoids either.

Anyway... I feel like I'm done with azimuts. Big talk, lots of postponing and not being able to deliver the rewards I earned doing their dirty work... Just another corporation that cares frack-all about the galaxy... probably backseat-driven by the board of investors. (Good thing I'm not a CEO of a large corporation... it'd be a totalitarian structure...with very little coulance for parasites)

Right! Let's climb into the DBX and see if there's something fun to do in the galaxy!
Be well and maybe we'll touch hull out there.
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︎1 Shiny!
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