Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

I must have had a stroke or something...

I was running low on raw materials. What I normally do in that case is get the "Only the cat knows" out, find a nice planet with lots of geo or bio signals and drive around in the SRV until storage starts complaining.
So I did just that, flew to a planet I have used for that before and...
Where are my signals? I swear I have seen signals here!
So I flew to a system that had planets with fields of glittering shards of really rare materials... Gone!

What happened? The universe thought there wasn't enough grind? Or did I damage my brain so my memories are weird?

I don't really care for shooting Thargoids. I have corrected a few that were so rude to hyperdict me, but that's it. I've mostly been helping big ones who were stuck on burning stations. Bigonitarian actions. Those souls didn't try to commit xeonocide... twice!

But alas. I can't get the materials I need to harden my hull so I am unable to protect my charges optimally.
I almost start to believe the universe is conspiring against the big ones. Maybe their fabled respect for everything around them is finally catching up with them.

Anyway.... Welcome to "Leaky bucket evacuations".
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