Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Dropping bleach on ammonia worlds...

So. The docking computer is gone. No way it could land on the Orunmilla Jerkovic. After more than 10 minutes of attempting to land my evacutter (Rapid Evacuation Unit "Player of Games") the thing was sent down a gravity well. So if a planet in the Duamta system attempts a landing... No worries, it'll miss by several lightseconds.

I had the Player temporarily converted into a cargocutter to join a community goal. I got 2 times 50%. No eatsink launchers. So no twisterdiving sidewinder... alas.
If the war is such a big problem I have to go grind for resources first, It's obviously not a big enough problem yet.
No, willing and able-bodied warriors, you can't risk your lives for our defence yet. First you must mine iron, smelt it, blacksmith your gear, your weapons &c. &c. &c.

(I get the impression that during old Earth weekdays everything gets slower still. The universe is grinding to a halt.)

Fortunately the newest community goal has something more to my fancy. Scanning things and poking things. Much more fun than shooting things.
So I think I'll give that a shot. I'm all out of NH4 anyway, might as well pick some up.

I do wonder what that detail that is "right in front of our noses" was. The majority of time what's in front of my nose is 20mm of transparent aluminium and endless stretches of hard void. It hasn't shared any secrets about Thargoids yet. It also doesn't care.

Anyway, change of plans. The Robin Goodfellow is going to get some scanners, some jump-enhancements and as much hull as I can pack on a sidey. We're going scanning ammoniac worlds in maalstroom systems! Or something...
I'm going to drop some bottles of bleach on them. Who knows chloroform works on Thargoids too?

Okay, if I bump into the materials I need for eatsinks I'll collect those... but I refuse to go out and look for them. If the superpowers still have funds to fight their dumb "whose ideology is superior" game but refuse to provide the frontlines with tools... Go gently into that dark night.

Maybe the entire secret is to sing to the Thargoids. Or figure out a way to synthesise meta-alloys and trade with them, it's certainly a commodity they want.
I'll just keep singing to them. And drop cookies... although they haven't shown any interest in those so far.

Be well! And watch out for those big shiny balls. Those are stars. They'll hurt you.
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