Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Roocoo coo coolingvent

Today was the weirdest ever!
I drop too close to a star... so everything around me is blaring and smoking. For situations like this I carry thermodumps, or heatsinks. So I deploy my heatsink launcher and a blip appears on my radar.
I scan it, it's a frozen solid pigeon. The stupid thing must have considered my equipment slots a perfect nesting place.
I'm somewhat surprised to see space killed it. Nothing else seems to be able to. And I always considered the content of their tiny skulls was hard vacuum so those shouldn't explode.

I'm sure some rich people shoot their cat or dog into a star. I even came across a black hole the locals named "Pet Cemetery". I'll have to research if this was the first pigeon to get a Spacer's Send-0ff. I somehow doubt it.
Pigeons have been spacefaring for several centuries now. The indigenous fauna of HIP Hop was completely wiped out by pigeons. And there have been stories of a colony of pigeons surviving in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant.

Well pigeon. May you become a generation ship for all the vermin and pests you carry. Maybe a boring, grey, stupid and monotome creature like you will be the seed of an entire ecosystem.

I managed to keep myself from zapping it with a plasma bolt.

And thus end this very informative report of the ongoing travels of a crazy pooka with an attention span measured in picoseconds.
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