Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

That was fun! An Imperial show of weapons.

I was flying around in a system I was told was being staked... staken?... stoked? out by Thargoids. In the Anomaly (The name of the ship is "Anomaly: Tutuu Tedudu"), practising my unassisted flight by trying to fly through the lanes through the sides of those D6 stations. I'm getting more confident. If I try to see my surroundings as standing still it all makes more sense.

That kept me busy for a while. I get stuck a couple of times, then you really notice your environment is moving too, and eventually dock to repair my hull.
I decide to fly a round in supercruise, who knows, I may find some Orthrusisters, when I spot an AX Ship Signatures thingie. Level six. Interesting.
I drop near the signal, turn off my flight assist, because I really want to learn how to fly like that, and zoom towards one of those pretty Imperial Ring Frigates. While I zoom towards it another one drops to realspace almost on top of me. Wheeeeee! Very impressive. And the sound!

I practise circling around them and keeping my light beams on them.

*PLOP!* One of those big thorny singflowers drops in too.

An alert sounds and I hit boost just before the silvery net pulse hits. Everything goes dark. But I'm in a shieldless sidewinder with flight assist off that just boosted with full pips and that can do around 710 m/s. I'm hurtling away like a stone. Nothing spots me so when the lights come back on I can see the two frigates in the distance. Joined by a cloud of little dancing things and that barbed Thargoid vessel.

I boost toward the fray, eject a heatsink and manage to actually kind of do that "cold orbit" thing.
Then i started to tumble, lost contact with the cooler beam and ... well... lost the ship.
But hey! I did better than I expected! I may get the hang of this some day.
Now if I can only figure out a way to launch a sidey from the Horizonborne, my exploration 'conda. It'd feel a lot safer out there to have one with me.

Plus... an aconda, regardless of what a top ship she is, is sluggish. I miss just diving in rings and doing crazy boostbucking after a while. It has nothing to do with controlling your ship, it's just aiming and boosting and trying to miss rocks. But it's exciting.
Try doing that with something that turns like a moon and reacts as if you're pushing a black hole.

It's good for other things...

Anyway! that was fun! And I learned that when you turn off flight assist you have to forget about absolute motion. Your actions are all relative to what your ship is doing at the moment.

Just to be sure. Don't get to near me when I turn off my flight assist. It's probably not safe and I don't want to wreck your ship.
Have fun!

Oh eh and... I still haven't found Arty B-2.
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︎3 Shiny!
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