Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Random thoughts on equipping ships

I do not like flying around with empty slots. I know it's weird, but why would I lug empty space around? There is plenty of that outside my ship and it doesn't require shipping, it's pretty much the same everywhere. No?
Well I don't. You may. That's okay.

Most of the time it's not a problem. More likely I have not enough slots for what I want. But occasionally It makes that sharp-tuned fighter 15m/s slower or I have no idea what to put in an equipment slot for a shieldless mid-sized. What do you put in weapon slots when you have a speed-and-shield cargoboat?

I'm trying to find original stuff to put in them. Mine launchers on mining ships? Sturdy penetrator rail guns on a Dolphin? A luxury cabin in a Chieftain?
You can always cheat a bit with some slots. Weld less armour on the ship and put those magical damage-reducers in your equipment slots. I mean, I do it, but usually because of some mass problem that keeps some flying characteristic below a value I want it. Things like "can I roll a half- to threequart turn every second".

You can plonk some lightweight scanners or heatsinks in equipment slots. Sure...but... On an exploration anaconda it can get a bit ridiculous. At least I have some cool fireworks for level 2 weapon slots. (I hope nobody saw me try to hit a Thargoid with them.)

I am very happy with lightweight weapons. A lightweight stripped down pulse laser at least can tap some objects that look curious. At almost no mass-penalty.

Oh and power groups... I kind of do them like...
  1. Core systems Thrusters, Life support, Sensors, you know, the basics.
  2. Defence Shields, Chaff, Point defence, those things that help keep me in one piece.
  3. Function specific loadout This is what defines the ship. Weapons, Limpets, Vehicles, Refineries, Tools.
  4. Supercruise All that stuff that makes no sense to give power if I'm not in supercruise. FSD interdictors, FSD boosters, Fuel scoops. You know...
  5. Special systems I don't care these systems fall dry. I only need them in special situations and when I do I promote them to group 3. For exploration vessels this is the largest group. Here Maintenance units, Repair drones, SRVs, and sometimes my Cargo hatch live
... and try to fit a power plant that can power group 4 with weapons stowed and 3 with weapons deployed. This saves me some mass. Mass I can use somewhere else.

Yes, mass. always mass. Is my explorer showing? I must say I find light manoeuvrable fighters a lot more fun to pilot than the better defended heavier ships too. Sure the Sustained Attack Release Decay is a Python and she and her sister ship the Nasty Piece Of Work are responsible for well over two thirds of my military Elite title. But Sawing a Fer de Lance in half while soaking up the damage it dishes out is not really fighting. Fighting is knowing you can also lose.

So where was I going with this story?

If you have tips that help me get better at being not particularly good at anything at all, I really want to hear them.
Be well!
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