Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Almost but not quite

I discovered something. If you fly around a Thargoid flower long enough you can actually target organs. That's handy because my multicannons keep spraying all over the thing and it's very hard to chase the flower off that way.

So I tried to use this knowledge to my advantage. I managed to pluck 2 hearts (weird flowers these be. I only know flowers with one heart) Then it pulsed and... me flying right on top of it, didn't have the time to hit Flight Assist-off and boost.
Thus ends this incarnation of the Thiamethoxam. Fortunately I pay insurance so it got rebuilt and delivered to me brand new.
Of course this means I have to open up every bulkhead to "customise" critical systems again. But I can't tell those to the insurance company.
They are in the "break seal, void warranty" domain. Nasty beasties those break seals. Hmhmm.

And so I didn't manage to save Yan Zangara from becoming a flowerbed. Too bad. I tried.
I think the system will fall tomorrow. Looks like I have to follow another commander to a "yellow" system. I just can't find them.

I'm considering renaming the Thiamethoxam to Nursery Rime (no I spelled it like that on purpose)

To all of you out in the black: If you look to your left... you can't see what's happening on your right (unless you're cozily snuggled up to a black Hole)
Be well!
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