Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

What a weird name...

I was in Khnum, Gromblespace. Simply to aid a fellow commander.... And I discovered "Vroegop agricultural colony".... Vroegop.... that means "early rise"... That's no place for me!

There are some interesting things around here. It may be handy to have the Bluecap (mining Asp) here. Looks like there are shinies to be found.

The present community goal isn't my thing, and the rewards really emphasize how bad big-onity wants the Thargoids gone. Twenty (!!) commanders get a boing-neutralizer. Pfff.
Scrapy bastards. A corporate billboard skin... pff.
Well you get what you pay for. Nothing!

In the meantime I'm hunting Grombles. Nobody likes me here because I fly under the Imperial flag. *heehee* The enemy of my enemies enemy is my paycheck!
The S.A.R.D. is built for ripping hull. As fast and nimble as I could keep her with just "rippers" (multicannons) and "strippers" (burst lasers/cytoscramblers). It makes short work of the average (engine) numbskull who thinks that 2 tons of gold in my cargo are easy pickings. Ever heard of an anglerfish? *dangle dangle* When the rippers engage it's music to my ears (hence the name ).

Anyway. Back to Soixante-neuf G Carinae. By now my much more fun to fly (Keen) Edge of Diplomacy and Emergence must have arrived. And it was ticksday.
So I made my way to Gardner Point.
I don't know why he's making such a point of it. It's not very green there. A Zen rock garden at best! Nothing to brag about.
This is where I go look for a bad apple. A pretty lady told me there was a character around here who misunderstood the fine workings of indentured service.
I won't stand for it! I ate Justice leek!

Catch me out there... if you can
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