Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


I found an unoccupied escape pod.
It's weird. How did it get unoccupied? I mean... you don't launch an unoccupied pod, right? It could save someone's life.
So... did the occupant just decide to go for a walk? Or is someone else emptying pods? Someone who has no particular curiosity about the cryotech in the pods (which is rather costly technology *hmhmm*) .

I did find it in a system the flowers seem interested in.
Oh hey! I found another way to discover systems that are being visited by curious flowers!
I just park a ship on a carrier and later see where my ship now is. Tadaaa! Works way better than asking the computer for RGB codes of spots on a map. Yep!

Guess what! I did get the advertisement paintjob!
I was hanging in a ring, just mining my own business and someone started attacking me. I dispatch the guy. Turns out I am in a community goal system and this fellow is worth more. Well... call me an opportunist, but I went for it.
Back to mining... Someone else blows up my ship! Now it's personal! I get the Sustained Attack Release Decay and start cutting up hulls.
I make some money, a little more than I probably would have if I had continued mining. Of course I wasn't mining for riches, I was mining materials.

I was quite surprised when ticksday, what a weird coincidence that a galactic constant happens to be exactly seven Cradle days long, came around and I find a new skin in my clipper inventory.
I rarely use my clipper. I should try it for a while and figure out what niche she excels in. I haven't discovered it yet.

I'm really curious what those big sunflowers bring. No way am I ever going to find out for myself. I have to collect so much crap before I even get a ship ready to try.
Maybe I'll follow some other commander into one some day. If those superpulse repulse pulses work like the normal pulse repulse pulses I should be able to sneak in inside the superpulse repulse pulse bubble. Try say that ten times.;)
Of course I have to figure out a way to not get slowly dissolved on the way.

But that's only if I ever get curious enough.

Off to this new system. Let's see what's there.
Be well!
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