Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Hey Thanks! You're a criminal now!

Imagine, I have spent the last two weeks evacuating big ones from Tepper in the Ngolite system. Last two missions went kind of wrong. First I get mobbed by 4 anaconda's, a type 10 and a furrylance at the same time. My ship gets destroyed. Bleh.

I get a rebuild and find there are still escape pods in my hold! That is odd, normally all cargo is gone when you get a new ship. Not that it matters because all the missions the pods were for have now ended. Another weird thing is that all passengers who weren't in life support pods were gone. Their missions were still active though. Maybe I should have bought some slaves and deliver them?

Anyway, next time I failed a mission was kind of my own fault. I got distracted and completely forgot about roughly 40 escape pods in my hold.
I log back in and get a list of people who apparently are able to send messages while in stasis. They all aborted the mission.
Okay, that's fair. I can get into that. Hmhmm.
So what sketches my surprise when I find 40 pods in my cargo hold. All still marked "mission". Impossible to get rid of save for evacuating my cargo hold somewhere out there.

So people were unhappy. They must have complained because last time (and oh will it be the last time. Ngolite went supernova for all I care) I had to land under anonymity protocols. I had fines they told me.
They were not, however, able to produce these fines so I could pay them. As a matter of fact I had already paid them at Tarach Tor's interstellar office.
So... no selling my goodies. No switching ships. No paying fines. I'll be forever a criminal in the Ngolite system. And they will be forever dead to me from now on.

Bigonity, explain to me:
How come I can spend months risking my hide in defence of you without any proper thanks and when I make a minor mistake I'm treated like I'm a homicidal maniac even after I admitted guilt and paid for my "crimes".

Odd how after ticksday something is always messed up one way or another. It is as if nature doesn't test.

So now I get the famous choice:
  • Guilty and poor?
  • Guilty and rich?
Ah well... being a criminal is always better anyway. You get the cool cars, pretty girls (I hope that goes for boys too), best seats, most expensive drugs and laws are for others, freedom!
Maybe I'll not quite consider the system gone and maybe I'm going to get a pirate ship over, call it "The Jolly Robin" and squeeze this system for all it's got as compensation. Make the Thargoids look like a bunch of tulips in comparison.
Some old Cradle band probably put it best:
If you want blood, you got it!

It's odd how four hundred billion systems ground to a halt because some Thargoids fight some Humans somewhere. Why are there no oddities not-related to Thargoids to be found? Something cool like a magnetar having a starquake and making FSD in a part of the bubble impossible. Or an actual Supernova event. A radiation front sweeping over the bubble and requiring massive evacuation to Colonia.

Too bad we're in the Milky Way galaxy. It's a single core jobbie. Maybe that's why it can't have several processes running in parallel. Should I risk the jump to Andromeda?

The new community goal... I'm not sure I'll join. The "community" gets more and more elitist by rewarding an ever-decreasing percentage of the participants for their time. Maybe too many volunteers are showing up lately.
Is there a Pilots Union that represents pilots on legal and political matters?
Maybe there should be. Without free pilots the galaxy would grind to a halt.

Pilot Union
United for better rights
We demand that all participants of a community goal get the rewards. Either that or you can attempt to run the blockade.

Alors, mes Miserables! Aux armes!

Union Goals? Hmmm =)

Right, so... there was something I needed to tell...
Oh yes! I put the Salivation plasma thing on a Type 7. It should be safe there. No way he can hijack that and be anywhere near dangerous. I sleep much better knowing that.

Off to find something fun to do. Hope I see you in the black. If I don't but you see me, say "Hi" =)
Be well!

PS. Something against good taste: The Eurovision Song Contest.
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︎3 Shiny!
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