Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Selling the Thiamethoxam

I'm seriously considering selling my AX Krait. I built it to explore and defend in Thargoid systems. I just can't be bothered anymore. There is an entire galaxy out there but two so-called intelligent species fight each other into extinction over a patch of it the size of a handkerchief.
I initially evacuated a couple of star-systems. That apparently was too easy so a completely new Thargoid showed up to destroy my evacutter. Myeah. That was the end of that. I'm afraid the Galaxy cannot understand not all creatures in it want to fight. That some get much more tickled from exploring and discovering things.
Besides... fighting is the activity of the shallower end of Big-ones' gene-pool. Take the Griefer Wars for example.

Looking around in titan-systems... mneh. The equipment I need for that is locked behind incessant grind (that rhymes!) and frankly it got old two Cradle seasons ago.

So curiosity is drawing me out to the void again. I spotted a system named "Little Green Men - 1" and I'm really curious if it actually houses little green men.
I'm now in the process of squeezing every last lightyear out of the exploraconda. I still need to come up with a decent name. "Horizonborne" isn't really doing it for me.
I'm now in the process of stripping modules, seeing how light she can get. Then I'll find the ideal balance for thrusters and distributors. And then she should be really.

I wonder how Momperor is doing...

Too bad Stripminers Inc. got converted into a hang-in-a-combatzone-and-dish-out-more-than-you-receive platform. It'd be helpful to have something with a mining-laser array that can just evaporate an asteroid before the weapon-banks drain. She took about seven seconds to completely dismantle a rock.
Sure, not using limpets to probe the material-content of a rock is less efficient. But the sort-them-out-later kind of mining works great for refilling your raw materials.

As there seems to be nothing "new" but Thargoid and walkies I'll go and draw new lines on the galaxy map. The only thing I still hope to find for long hauls is a way to get a sidewinder on my anaconda.

Oh ! tried the CQCK! Yep, I'm really bad at it. I get hit five times and blow up. I empty my powerbanks into the opponent and nothing happens. I must be doing something wrong. I usually do. That's what you get for using fat manuals to sit on so you can look over your dashboard.
But I'm dawdling. The horizon calls.

See you out there in the black.
Be well!
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