Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Little Green Men 1

Well that was a bit of a disappointment. Yes I did expect to find a neutron star here. But a special one. A pulsar.
What do I actually find? The slowest spinning neutron star so far. And in order to be a pulsar the axis of spin and the jet should not coincide.

No little green men either...

Ah well.
There is a really nice-looking nebula nearby. I think I'm going there and just enjoy the scenery for a bit.
After that I'm not sure. I'll go name the "Horizonborne" to "Jocelyn Bell Burnell" after the lady who discovered this object here.
She never got a Nobel Prize for it. And this was never a big problem to her.

It was a bit the same experience as seeing Sagittarius A* and find it's about 1000 times lighter than the actual black hole. Or going out of your way to find Eta Carinae and find not a trace of the oh-so-characteristic Homunculus nebula.

Oh, a little thing I discovered about plotting routes. You plot routes for the ship as it is when you plot a route. I mean to say that The Horizonborne, which has a 2A power plant and a very specific order of power-groups in order to jump over 70 lightyears, will plot as if it has no Guardian FrameShift booster on board.
When not in supercruise this module is turned off and so a plotted route has jumps of maximal 60 lightyears. If I plot the same route again in supercruise I do get 70 lightyear jumps.
I must have flown the distance to M31 in total by now and only now I discover this. Shows there's always something more to discover. Joy!

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