Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Being a locust...

Another community goal which requires materials not found in the Milkyway Galaxy. Unfortunately I haven't found Raxxla yet because I heard the resources are abundant in the Triangulum and Andromeda galaxy.
The upside: When you DO find a few ion distributors somewhere you're immediately in the top 50%.
I don't understand how watching the clock tick and checking the commodity market every five minutes makes for quality gameplay. Anyway...
I managed to locate two old energy grid assemblies.
I had to fly to Rackham's Roost.
Get in an SRV.
Ride 53km.
Use my repeater to shoot the lock of an old barn.
And behold! In the back, under bovine excrement and dead vegetation were two ancient energy grid assemblies. Yay! Lucky me!
Honestly, finding intelligent life in the Galaxy is easier (but not quite as easy as you might think).

Somehow this gave me the image of a swarm of commanders descending on the Galaxy like a swarm of locusts. Swarming to find the last smidgeon of food.

Maybe I can't get invested in these Community Goals because they're all Thargoid-centered and I'm still with the side that says:
"If you keep poking the hornet's nest you deserve what angry hornets do to you". The aggressor has always been Manunkind.
In other words, I'd run Community Goals to get Thargoids to spread MOVIT-10. The only reason I occasionally join is :"Yay! Something to do!" (other than grinding for materials to equip my fleet to join the AX-cause).

I'm seriously curious what the future will bring. More minimal-effort "gameplay" or is the situation for Azimuth Cambridge now dire enough to actually DO something.

Anyway... I do probably finish all Community Goals for this week above 75%. I'll probably get that amazing reward of... eh... Hull reinforcements?!

Commanders! I wish you better luck than I I had locating anything useful. I won't be mad if you manage to push me off the 75% spot. You had to work so hard for it I think you deserve it more than me

Be well outhere! I'll talk to you on the banterband.
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︎2 Shiny!
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