Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
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Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
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Logbook entry

Took a look at Taranis. Meh.

I still can't get my sidewinder to reach the titan, but The Thiamethoxam now does manage to break through the cloudstic as now finally the threat seems to have become so serious pilots can get modules without grinding for months (which I refuse. I provide the suicidal commander, you provide the tools, or just go bloody extinct you scrapy... anyway).
I seriously hope this is the beginning of the end of the singular focus on Thargoid war. It was old a hundred and twenty(120!) seconds after it began.
Initially I hoped they would raze the bubble and force explorers to look for fertile planets. That didn't happen.
Now I hope the titans sod off and take that very limited part of gameplay with them.

If you haven't visited a titan yet. Now's the time. You don't have to shoot anything, just go take a look. Who knows they do the smart thing and move to the Andromeda Nebula, wreck Raxxla behind them, mark the Milkyway as "H.Sap Infected" and move on. So this may be the last we see of them.

Anyway, I finally managed to break through the cloud (never tried that before, for the obvious reason) and saw the titan hanging there.
I must have had the last couple of pulses because they now seem to have ceased.
There was a group of commanders slaughtering the fleeing smaller vessels.
I shot up some dumb Thargling that ran into me.
Of course I forgot to keep an eye on my shieldless hull so it all ended with taking a vacuum swim. I didn't make money on it.
(but for making money you go look at plants on foot in a quiet part of the Galaxy, not risk your life fighting invaders in a spaceship in a space game)

Earn arx, ship kits, paintjobs and whatnot... Neh. I don't necessarily need to show off I'm an invader, aggressor. Keep your Adler and Totenkopf.

One question the entire Thargoid war did answer.
"Why don't we find intelligent life out there"?
Well, it's intelligent life. It knows to stay the %&#@ away from systems with a "Homo Sapiens" infection.

Soooo, a new Python... Wow.
And tuned for PvP. Joy! Imagine it would be tuned for exploration. *guffaw*.
Who at Azimuth Cambridge is set on never giving what pilots ask? The financial hole isn't deep enough yet?

Here's me hoping there'll be a focus on the other four hundred billion(400 000 000 000!) systems out there. What use does all that real estate have when the only activity ever is inside that festering boil known as "The Bubble"?

Keeping my fingers crossed but not holding my breath.
So now it's off to find something to amuse myself. I now saw a titan. That's done.
Maybe I'll take the Jocelyn Bell Burnell on an O-type-finding trip. I found some O-types are about sixty(60!) percent the mass of what I expected them to be (same goes for Sagittarius A*) and I want to check whether I just found a few freaks or there is even more dark mass? (matter?) Experimental Astronomy! Here we go!

If you want PvP, you won't see me. I despise your kind.
Be well commanders! Enjoy!
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