Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

My Nemo is just plain white!

Aaah! Something horrible happened in the Galaxy!
I had a dolphigther in the bubble that had the completely innocent paintjob of a coral clownfish.

Dolphigter? Yep,! It's amazing how much stuff you can cram on a dolphin and still not exceed the limit where the mass starts hindering your thrusters. Cram it full of armour. Mount some sturdy or extra capacity rails on it. Put the luxury scanners on. A-line the beast. Engineer things for endurance and still have some free tons to play with.
So when I wanted to outfit a dolphin in the Colonia area, just for hauling big ones, imagine my surprise when the paintjob was gone from my choices. Oh it was still there, but I would have to buy it again and at about six(6!) times what I originally paid for it.
I got a bad feeling and checked the original Cetaceraph... you guessed it... white.

Eh... yeah...

Someone thinks that you can re-sell me stuff that same someone stole from me? It must be Natural Stupidity. No Artificial Intelligence would come up with such a scheme and then think pilots fall for that trick twice.
Good thing that after the Consolia Gang got slaughtered I have decided to never sink another kublar in the state of the Galaxy. I only lost something I bought from the collected 400ARX-a-week savings... which was kind of a drive to at least spend enough time in the universe weekly to achieve. Boy will they be surprised when that backfires too!


I think the Nemo skin was cute. I'm now trying to decide how to name the evil organisation behind all this.
  1. Azimuth Cambridge
  3. UKISoft

Ha! If only I could hold a poll.

Imagine money is the only drive in your limited number of seconds... you can't even eat the stuff!

You and I are victims of their world
As the masters of power try to poison our world
Greed, money taking over their souls
Just mechanical brains
Politicians don't know
They just don't know

Black Sabbath : Eternal idol

Funny, or sad, how the reasons why I left Cradle are now following me into the void. Maybe I should fly into Sagittarius A* and hope they follow me there. Then at least you all would be free of them.
And thus we continue our self-sufficient trip through the inner Galaxy with a couple of bored rich ne'er-do-wells complaining in the booth.
I can't hear them.
I'm singing along with Motörhead : Iron Horse / Born to lose.

Commanders! I salute you!
Be well and beware
of the predators out there
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︎5 Shiny!
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