Cmdr Eli the Dangerous
Explorer / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I f1rst
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Hello from Hubward!

I indeed took the Jocelyn Bell to Colonia. The region has most things you can find a use for and usually at shorter distances, but a lot less of the bubble-drama.
And once there I went off the grid for a bit. Fiddling with different engines and hardware in the Anaconda's bow-bridge-now-lab.

The Scoville drive arrived there too and I have installed in some on vessels of my Colonia fleet. It's fun!
Instead of tail-dragging out of a gravity well you do a little boost and you're on your way. I haven't found any use for it in interdictions apart from, you know those runners who always seem to go faster than you when they're mission targets? Well those are easy to catch now.

The lightboat Anaconda I had parked in the Colonia area has seen a bit of a refit. She's being outfitted to just hang somewhere and collect manufactured materials.
What a luxury to just switch all those turrets for gimbals just to try out something! What is the most efficient Strip Shields Rip Hull (SSRH) loadout?
I think I'll keep two turreted beams. They're useful! If I ever lose sight of the target I just follow the purple pointer.

Still haven't seen a Titan explode.
I'm always somewhere else (and I don't care enough to keep track of the "war").
Ah well, I wasn't there when the Sun was born. I won't be there when he dies. That's life! (but the DLR version).

I really should finish tuning that Colonia Viper.
I've had a Colonia Viper ever since I first made the trip to Colonia but I've never really turned her into the fighter she could be. I've never really done much of anything in a Viper.
Damned Jim, I'm an explorer, not a fighter!
Plus I really liked the Cobra better. Alas I never got my paws on a Mk IV. It looked like that thing had enough internals to make for a great explorer. Well who knows, if it pays... ahem.

I actually made the 400ARX this week! And without seeing a single Thargoid!
Will I be able to buy the Rhoton before it comes on the open market? We'll see. I'm not in a hurry. Right now it's right above the Furrylance and the Mambo in the need-to-have list.
Which brings me back to the Viper. Small ships are toys. They are for fun. Large ships are tools, they are for jobs.
Does a viper fit in the ribs of a Coriolis station (like a Sidey and an Eagle) ?

We'll soon find out.

Come visit Colonia!
It's the Australia of the Milkyway but with surprisingly few deadly snakes.

Commanders! See you out there!
May all your rolls be royce.
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︎2 Shiny!
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