Logbook entry

I see war.

16 Nov 2020Loriath
I see war. Nothing but war.

Humanity is fighting on more than one front. For what? Money? Expansion? A Cause? Fear? Anger? Influence? Is that all we are?

Our Galaxy is in peril. From ourselves.

There are other ways. Other paths. Humanity has fought enough wars since we came into existence. Do we want to wipe ourselves out of that existence completly? I have to wonder.

When ancient man, hunting on the plains and forests for food saw another group of people doing the same, was the first thought "Wipe them out, this is ours." I may well have been. Or maybe it was a fear because we saw competition to food. Or maybe they were different. That mentality has gone on through our entire species existence. Yet, we learn nothing from it.

As our people grew in numbers, so did the wars. Larger and more encompasing. We no sooner would determine a winner, then find another target. Now we are up against no only ourselves, but other species. And there may be more out there. Is there no other option than wiping out a possible enemy? No other choice?

We know the Guardians made war with the Thargoids. And we know that it cost them dearly. Not from the war itself, but the choices they made to wage an all out battle with them. They created weapons that were eventually turned on themselves. Humanity has done the same many times in our past, not yet wiping ourselves out, but coming damn close. And what have we learned?

Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.

We now wage Mini-Wars, as if that makes it better. Never commit to all out battle, victor takes all, because we know how that ends up. Neither side wins. We lose. Lose Everything. And we know that, but it doesn't stop us. We have seen it before. Yet we think we can make a different outcome.

We can't. Why? Because we are Human and that in the end will be our fate. When another civilization arises to power in the Galaxy, and come upon our long dead structures, what will they say? Chances are "See how they never learned from the past and made the same mistakes and wiped themselves out of existence?" Then that civilization will repeat the same mistakes.

This seems to be the one constant in our Galaxy. We live, We rise, We destroy ourselves.

There must be another way.
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