Cmdr Han Saso
Explorer / Treasure hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Python LV-420
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Three billions and a half reasons

13 Aug 2024Han Saso
It was never about the credits.

It's the void's call.

A call that I answered many times, that brought me thousands of light years away from the Bubble, searching for all and nothing.

Well the maps and the data I brought back home everytime made me rich enough to never have to worry about money for the rest of my life, but that only made the push for leaving again stronger.

I thought that a new and fancy exploration vessel would be enough for fullfilling my desires: the magnificent Krait Phantom "Il Silenzio II", with its larger space for research instruments made a wonderful substitute for its predecessor.

But the lust is far from gone.

It's still not about the money.

But its money that I need to prepare the definitive expedition. A lot of money. Another 3.500.000.000 credits, more or less.

At least I'll have plenty of time to plan the expedition... and to decide what the carrier name will be, while I finally give in to the tedious grind I avoided for all these years.

And maybe this time, I'll be in the void forever.

See you out there, commanders!

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