Cmdr Ouberos
Diplomat / Researcher
Registered ship name
tramp steamer
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python OU-23P
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Pranav Antal

Logbook entry

Wing Beacon

09 Jul 2019Ouberos
I was alone in the Black but I know I heard her voice all the same.

"Getting slow, getting sloppy. Follow him, kill him. Dead men tell no tales,"

"He's not getting away," I replied and tuned the wake scanner into the after image of the bounty hunters FDL. The guy must have some big brass balls to operate this deep in Delaine territory and not just any old no name system either. Operate in Suya, the high tech hub of Black Omega's arms manufacturing business.

When i saw where the wake scanner would take me my finger hesitated over the launch button.

"Shit," She was right. I was getting slow. Getting soft.  

"Kill him!" I heard her screech at me and I punched it. The Black Opal boosted forward as the massive energies of the Frameshift drive coalesced the real into the unreal until I was slingshotted into Witch Space towards my destination. Towards the place I would kill the Bounty Hunter.

Towards Tsin Gu.


Leaning out onto the canopy of my Krait I watched my collection limpets pick through the wreckage of the FDL for anything of value. They had managed to salvage a few useable heat vanes and some other bits. There was a fair amount of damage to the Opal though. The guy had been no push over, but I guess he had it coming.

"Definitely getting sloppy, getting too old to keep dodging fate like this," I said to myself and traced a crack in the canopy with my finger. I could feel the miniscule tug of the void against my glove, like the ghostly pull of past loyalties.

Then, even though I was alone and knew no one was coming I reached over and flipped the Wing Beacon to on.

I turned my eyes to the stars once more and waited.
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