Logbook entry

Looking for Something

10 Nov 2019EOD Frosty
Shinrarta Dezhra - 10 NOV 3305

As I look back on the past two and a half months, I see there is a vast amount of accomplishment laying in my wake...but something feels like it's missing. Let's see...

I've risen through the ranks of both the Empire and the Federation to finally have a chance at piloting their unique ships.
I've claimed the title of Elite in both Exploration and Trade. Combat will remain at dangerous for now.
I've met and become good friends with all the engineers inside The Bubble. Each and every one has even been kind enough to grant me the highest access to their resources. Stand-up individuals, really.
I've successfully fought in three wars and aided in the destruction of the Scythe of Panem.

What else is a Commander to desire in a Galaxy so fruitful with opportunity?!

That's it! I've found my something and it lies directly within my question. The Galaxy

I've been so caught up in the intertwining complexities of The Bubble that I've almost forgotten my original reason for becoming a Commander in the first place. Three words. Deep. Space. Exploration.

There is so much to see and so much of our beautiful Galaxy has yet to be explored. I already have my name on 350 first discovered systems, but why not thousands? Why not tens of thousands? I have re-discovered that something that's been a growing itch I just wasn't able to scratch.

It's settled then. I just recently finished the creation of Boundless, my Beluga fit for exploration. With the engineering fully completed, I believe it is time to set a new course with no final destination. First to Colonia, and then onward to areas with no bounds.

Here's to Exploration! I'll see you all on the other side Commanders o7
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︎3 Shiny!
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