Logbook entry

The Dogtown Run: Part 4/4

08 Nov 2020JB Threepwood
Finally we dropped into Wolfberg. I watched the Lucky Trucks roll ahead, the two Jessies guarding their flanks and the two Bandits in their Tw'underbirds circling, ready to pull the pigtails of anyone that got too close.

We were making good time and Jeremiah and the rest of the Self Loading Cargo* seemed unaware of the trials we'd been through on the way. I was glad it had been quiet since we'd left the pirates. The last thing you'd want for any smuggling run is for it to be eventful.
[*Self Loading Cargo- Passengers]

We slowly approached Dogmaa, I led a wide arc around to the front of the station then gave the order to drop out of supercruise well outside of the No Fire Zone. Luckily we dropped far from the station as, when we got there, the station was lit up with laser fire.

It was some fucking Dingles*. These shits are a pain in the arse. I watched as they camped outside of the No Fire Zone, shooting pilots as they left the mailslot. There was four of them, all in heavily tweaked ships, all relatively highly ranked. Luckily it wasn't Uncle Jim's style to piss the bed, those tedious bastards would get ripped to shreds.
[*Dingle- Someone who has lost their mind and now attacks pilots for no reason]

"Ears on, boys," I announced as the convoy came to a halt.

"Tw'underbirds grab their attention, drag their fire away from the slot. Those Dingles are tweaked and I don't want to risk the Jessies so hold them Gunships back."

"I want them Lucky Trucks Threading The Needle*. This is why we don't Piss The Bed*. Once you've Put Them To Bed* I want the Jessies and the Eagles out of there. Wake out and head back to Grandma's House. I'll get the Bennies in and hang back with Briggs, Cooper and Davis until these Dingles fuck off."
[*Thread The Needle- To boost through the Mailslot in a large ship]
[*Piss The Bed- To use heatsinks to sneak into a station. Derogatory term alluding to a child wetting the bed then sneaking their sheets into the cleaner]
[*Put Them To Bed- Get your ship under the surface to avoid checks]

The reassuring rally of "10-4"s let me know we were good to go.

"Ok, Lads, put the hammer down."

The tweaked Eagles boosted straight ahead, firing on the Dingles from behind... turning their attention away from the slot... this cleared the path for the T7s. I watched as the three ships in front of us lit up and boosted towards the slot.

These guys knew what they were doing and I watched each of them effortlessly slip into the station.

I knew that when we're within range Panza would automatically request docking permission so I just focused on getting us to safety.

Noticing that they didn't stand a chance of catching the Eagles, the Dingles took their attention back to the slot and, with it, me and Panza in the Adder.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as they started firing at the Adder. "4 pips to shields," I shouted to Panza as shots hit across the shields.

I boosted, knowing I'd need at least one more boost before I hit the slot. The shields dropped and lights started to flicker as shots rang off the hull of the ship.

I spiralled the ship as I boosted again, trying to catch the revolving motion of the slot.

"Hull at 30 percent," announced Panza as we skimmed the toast rack. Entering the slot I Dropped Anchor* and aimed towards our designated pad.
[*Dropped Anchor- Lower landing gear/ Open Scoop/ Drop pips from engines... any or all of these to slow down]

Cautiously, so's not to take any more hull damage, I eased the Adder towards the centre of the pad.

"We're bugging out, boss," came a shout from the Bandits.

"10-4, you lot get yourselves home," I replied.

I sighed as the platform dropped below the surface of the docks, getting Jeremiah and his boys to their destination.

"All cargo unloaded," said Panza as he checked the ship manifests. I nodded, got up out of the pilots seat and strode out of the ship, glad to be safely in a station.

As I stretched my legs in the docking bay, Jeremiah and his friends scurried out of the ship behind me.

Jeremiah looked at the outside of his ship. There was big rents in the side where laser beams had tore through it. The disgusting greeny-yellow paint had started to bubble off and some of the body kit had been blown off.

"The paint! The body kit! It's been taken off!" cried Jeremiah.

"Yeah, mate," I replied, "That's free of charge Now let's start talking money, boys."

The End.

[Lucky Trucks- Lakon T7s]
[Jessies- Gunships
[Bandits- (B)ait (AN)d (DI)straction (T)eam]
[Tw'underbirds- Eagles]
[Tweaked- Engineered]
[Grandma's House- Gang HQ]
[Bennies- Benefactors]
[Put The Hammer Down- Full throttle]
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