Logbook entry

21 Sep 2019Ted Buckland
So i made my way to the KFC in outer space ... which turned out to be a construction site within an asteroid. Was not that cozy to stay longer than needed, especially since i did not have to limp there for a change.

But at least i had fun giving the universal cartographers pages of useless stuff, while drowning my french fries in some space ketchup. On each and every page they told me 'huh, we did not know that planet here' and i thought to myself 'yeah well, those are the volumes 17 and 18 of things you do not need to know'. But since they kind of paid for it, i kept my mouth shut, nodded along, and ran with the money.

Then i got me a thargoid model, that sits on the left side of my cockpit now.

I actually think it is kind of cute, reminds me of the original i played some decades ago. What was it called ... witchspace they sometimes dragged you into, you ending up in a completely different galaxy ? I just have faint memories of that, but the look of the ship is a good resemblance of how they used to look ... allthough i am not sure wether i want it there all the time, it makes me a little seasick ... or maybe the french fries at that station were not good, i don't know.

But i finally got the dog smell out of my cockpit by accident. After i dared to open the doors and drawers of the cabinets i went shopping at that station to fill up the fridge. Not much of a duty-free shop there, but now i am the proud owner of a 7A coffee machine, and a ton of coffee beans stowed away in every place. Well, most of them, since one pack of beans fell down and broke, and achieved the state of maximum entropy on my floor. But at least it smells nice now in the cockpit.

So, i took a wiff, sat down in the chair and finally threw a dart again, making my way to some other arbitrary point in space.
I know i know .. i thought i have time, and i do! But ... if there are almost no interesting sights to be found, you tend not to stay that long in any system. So almost half of the next leg is already done, me sitting idle half way from the sun and the next system.

So i might go around the bubble, but in the general direction of sagittarius, at least i expect to have a nicer view then.
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︎0 Shiny!
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