Logbook entry

22 Sep 2019Ted Buckland
I start to think this was a good decision. Throwing in the brakes and doing a tokyo drift to the north really made for a much nicer view, than before trying to go to the southside.

That nebula i saw from my cockpit got me a nice EMail telling me it could be NGC 2802. I wanted to check it out as soon as i read that, buuut ... how come T-Tauri look exactly like most of my usual fuel stars? Maybe i was a bit unaware, so i thought 'hmmm, lets get a bit closer, i want to get a bit of fuel here' .... just before the pfffrrrz brrrz noises telling me i already was too close ... frying my panel in the process.

Note To self: Do not read the manual for the new 7A coffee machine while trying to harvest fuel. Ever, mmmk ?

'Well done moron, didn't you see that is a T-Tauri ?' the voice in my head said. 'Apparently i did not, shut up' i grumbled while trying to fix the wiring and venting the fumes in my cockpit.

So i finished the next leg with a trail of smoke following me. Lot of practising scanning worlds on the way, since noone ever had been in most of the systems before.

Once i docked at the next station - which looked so much like the KFC yesterday i was very puzzled for a second thinking 'wot? Did i do a 360 by accident?' - i yelled at the mechanic to put in some better wiring, before i went to the store to stock up on more fire extinguishers. I mean honestly, that boat starts to dissasemble at around 100 degrees - good grief ... even my toaster does more than that.

At least i made the universal waste-paper guys happy again ... yet, it does get a bit boring handing in page after page after page hearing 'hey, congrats, you were the first to find that planet and that one and that one' ... without telling me which ones! Completly redundant information, i guess bureaucrats in the 34th century are as dumb as they were in 21st, when they invented this.

I guess the next leg will be to somewhere around Rohini, coming in from an odd angle might hopefully make for more never visited systems.
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