Logbook entry

Dear Diary

29 Sep 2019Ted Buckland
I made it, with 100% hull ... which still is a bit of a miracle, since I am well aware of my piloting skills. It calls for some champagne ... if i can find a bar here, but i will have a look to find one for sure.

Just the paintwork deteriorated to 14% ... i have to wonder what happens once it is completely done. I really hope the ship does not completely fall apart then.


But my little ASP did a fantastic job to get me here, i am really happy i took her and left the krait to rot at the caravanserai. I would not want to say it is the best ship to do exploration in ... just for me it is great. When i did the few jumps to test drive my krait i learned how much i missed my pimped scanner ... because i left it in the boat at the caravanserai. Once i sat in my ASP again i felt the difference immediately. And, it is really nice to scan planets with 4 probes ... way better compared to the standard edition you can get off the shelf. So, FSD, sensors, DSS, power plant, thusters it is from now on. OK, i will try to remember that.

He, and i did not wreck any of my SRVs, which is a miracle in itself, I brought two since i was supersure one would give in finally. I will have to think about taking only one for the next trip. But thats for future Ted to decide.

Currently i am waiting on the universal waste paper boys to pass me cash for all the stuff i scanned on the way ... i kinda understand they need a while to process it, it was an awful lot of scanning i did, and most of the scans were in untouched systems. And my handwriting really is bad. The last 20 or 30 jumps i just honked because i just wanted to finally arrive.

Oh, the waste paper guys told me that apparently i took out the one billion mark as well ... which sadly is completely unimportant to me since i can already buy all the stuff i need ... it is nice to know though.

It always makes me laugh when i enter a station for the first time and dump tons of notes at the desk of the guys ... 'you are cordial ... no you are friendly ... a scratch that let's just call you an ally' . I really admire the sentiment, but could you make up your mind ?

Coming back to an inhabited system again after several days when i did not see a single soul, felt a bit weird i have to admit. I almost got a heart attack when the station greeted me via voice. I totally forgot someone might talk to me.

My docking spot at explorer's anchorage is very quiet ... and noone bothers me by yelling the unimportant stuff over and over again, which is nice.

I am not sure, but i think i saw PingPong decorating and refilling his diner at my landing pad ... at least there are an awful lot of trucks running in front of me. I hope one of them carries a bit of champagne ... and maybe a bronto burger.

Tomorrow i will make the final jump to SAG A*, and have a first hand look at that thing.
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︎2 Shiny!
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