Logbook entry

Dear Diary

29 Sep 2019Ted Buckland
Been there, done that. That pretty much sums up Sag A* for me. After the trip to explorer's anchorage i have to admit i expected a bit more from the black hole. Of course the K'ung Fu-tse way tells you 'the journey is the reward' spinning it like the prayer wheel ... but, it felt a little bit underwhelming for that extensive trip. I am pretty sure K'ung Fu-Tse coined that saying while repeating it over and over again on his own trip to Sag A*.

Yeah sure, it is nice to see the galaxy through a fish-eye-lens, but ... that's it ? Really ? Mmmmk. Maybe it's just because i am very hung over, or maybe i am just unable to cherish the sight enough. But still i feel cheated.

So, after getting back from Sag A* to the dock, after looking extensively for a few bottles of champagne, i ended up helping PingPong to unload one of his beer trucks ... and maybe we killed a few in the process. I actually don't remember,  but waking up in the left exhaust pipe of my boat instead of my bed, with my head feeling like an enormous cantaloop kinda points in that direction.

Apparently i painted my boat yesterday ... and i have no recollection of doing that as well. So instead of riding an exfoliated standard blue ASP im am now riding a exfoliating pink boat. Damn you, PingPong! At least he took away my keys before i could launch it into space, because that would have been embarassing.  So once the station stopped spinning that much, i followed the bread crumb trail made out of aspirins to the cockpit in the morning, and fell into my chair.


Now i know why i can never clean it in any way, it's because of the gay stickers he put on it at the very front.

'You have 103 unread messages' i was told by the info panel. Oh my god, what did i do there ? Did i order mail order brides again ? I don't feel like i want to deal with them now. So i silently puked into my drawer instead, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.
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︎3 Shiny!
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