Logbook entry

Highway to Sosong

24 Sep 2019Billykiwi
Logbook Entry #3:

I have some good news... and some bad.

So lets start with the good news.
I was accepted into a squadron, and it's a decent one at that: the Mining and Commerce Association, and it's in the Sosong system.

And the bad:
I'm in the Ferry of the Black and it doesn't have the range to make it to Sosong fast enough for the squadron elections. So here's what i'm going to do:
I'm going to get an Asp, and go the 500 something ly to Sosong.

This log is quite gloomy, even though it may not seem like it.
If you read this, I'm around halfway to Sosong, and still on the hunt for more comrades.

See you in the Black,
CMDR billykiwi
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