Logbook entry

A New Me

20 Mar 2020Billykiwi
It's been a while since I wrote in here. The last entry saw me blow up in a Lance and had no re-buy.

I have decided to try again.
I will make my way to Borann, and live a somewhat peaceful life out there, mining.

My T7 will get me some decent credits until I can purchase a Python.

I feel so bad that I let a piece of finely crafted alloy get blown up, only for me to never be able to fly one again.

It's lonely, space. Gets a bit old if you are cooped up too long. We need to be free, we Commanders.

Still open to squadrons, hopefully better than my last one.

Your fellow Commander,

(p.s: this isn't going to be the last you hear of me, mark my words.)
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