Logbook entry

This time I ain't buyin' the wrong thing. Maybe.

04 Aug 2021Billykiwi
It really has been quite a journey since I made my last log entry.
I have left Redshift Logistics in favor of a more "Be your own boss" kind of life style.
After my failed 'Ferry of the Black' job, I sold the ship and lived out of an Adder for a while, but I got home-sick and bought another T7, aptly named 'Bad Investment'. It turned out to be the best investment I have ever made.
I was on my way to my usual Painite spot, just north of the bubble, when my scanner picked up a semi-large disturbance, out by Planet 3.
Me, being the idiot I am, turned the ship 'round and gunned the throttle. The scanner told me with was the aftermath of a large skirmish.
When I dropped out of warp, I saw the most amazing thing in my life...
A couple dozen Type-6's! All FULL of Painite!
They had been to my spot, mined it out as long as they could, but got ambushed on the way back!
I am now comfortably writing this log in my new Type-9, named the 'Better Investment. Maybe'

I hope to see some new and familiar faces out there in the black. Hopefully not floating out in the middle of nowhere with a canopy breach and a hold full o' Painite.

o7 Commanders!
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