How did I get here?
15 Oct 2019Dante Cortez
Outer Orion Spur.That's right, the OUTER Orion Spur. Not that weeny little INNER Orion Spur. Sure, people have been farther than that, crossed multiple sectors of space, and all I did was visit the next neighborhood over. But...
Suddenly it hits me that I'm more than 2000 ly away from home, in a metal and plastic bubble (that got very badly beat up in an argument with a high-g planet) that flies through a vacuum at almost absolute zero by mimicking a burning star, and jumps from star to star by twisting space into impossible shapes.
So here I am at some place called Plio Eurl SX-D b44-0 in the catalog that I don't think any human has visited before, sitting on the small rocky blue moon of a small icy planet and just generally being amazed.
But I really need to go back and get my ship patched up.