Logbook entry

They've gone too far.

31 Oct 2020Cayce Luther
Cayce still sat in Cemiess, looking over Aisling's homeworld of Emerald. The Guardians had long left, but he still remained. He sipped on a coffee as he looked through Galnet. He just flitted through articles until..
He locked onto the article just recently posted and read through it. As he approached the middle of the article his coffee cup crumbled in his hands, crushed and spilling fluid everywhere. "No...They can't be serious..."

He read on, out loud:
“Our people must be safely returned so we can identify dangerous NMLA activists, before they gain the opportunity to inflict further harm. We have no desire for the-"...BULLSHIT
His fist slammed the console and he growled, turning to face ahead, he sat up and started up the ship, the thrusters coming online with an almost angry 'thrum'. He hits the intercom
"Shyanne; get ready to move out. We're meeting up with the rest of the squadron in Ember."

"What? What happened, Captain?" His pilot, confused, but carrying out her orders without hesitation, listened to her captain.

"Get the fighter secure, and get to your seat. It seems we're not done defying the Empire, yet..."

"...Come again?"

"Empire's cutting off communications with the Federation, demanding refugees be returned...disguising it all as just a terrorist hunt. We are not letting them get away with that."
He hauled the ship around, flight assists shutting off just long enough for him to bank the ship towards the next jump towards Ember.

"Hope you're still in good standing with the Federal Navy; because we're going to war."
He popped a communications channel directly at Ember. Open comms. He looked down at Emerald as she ship sped up, spooling its FSD for the jump.

"This message is for the princess. Make sure she gets to hear it."
He paused for a moment and slowly exhales.
"...I hope this day finds you well, Princess. I know you've other matters on your mind, so I'll be brief. I...never thought that I would have to make this decision. In a million years I never...but...recent events forced my hand. I...I want justice for your father as much as you do, as much as anyone in the empire does. But...the way rest of the empire is going about it...this isn't justice...this is madness. These people aren't threats; they're scared. Scared the Empire will do exactly what they're doing...rounding them up and detaining them as potential threats. I...can't condone the capture of millions of innocents just to find a few terrorists..."
He sighed softly, trying to think of the words to say. 'I refuse to stand aside and let this happen. This is 'Guilty until proven innocent'...and I will not take part. I understand that I may be unwelcome in Empire space for quite some time after this, but please understand I bear no ill will towards you or any of your supporters. I am an Imperial citizen, but I just can't let the Empire at large get away with this. I hope that one day you'll understand this...and I hope that one day I'll again be worthy of carrying your emblem on my hull...farewell, princess."
As he cut the communication, he throttled the ship the rest of the way up, slammed the boosters and when the ship reached full thrust, the 'Luther's Folly' launched out of Cemiess, en route to Ember

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