Logbook entry

She did what's right.

02 Nov 2020Cayce Luther
Sitting inside a lounge aboard Abraham Lincoln station, Cayce Luther read through a tablet containing the latest news articles. A small crowd had gathered around the Luther's Folly, the Anaconda sporting a new paint job, but still wearing its Aisling Duval emblems. Makes sense, some people were not trusting of the Empire, especially in Sol. Cayce paid them no mind, he was more focused on the news after a hard day at work. Between his cargo ship, the Echo's Grief and the Folly, his combat ship, he had put in a lot of hours today piloting the pair of Anacondas around the local star systems. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but it always feels like more work when you're flying around systems you are unfamiliar with.

Imperial pilots were not uncommon in Federation space, although ones that come in to help were excessively rare. He had been putting in work to get up his Federation ranking. War wasn't declared yet, so he spent his time working on his ranking to achieve one of his ulterior goals; access to the Federation fleet ships. It took mere a few days for him to rank to Chief Petty Officer, but he still had some work ahead of him before he can reach the Corvette. That's not to say the Folly hasn't proven a formidable ship, but this afforded him the opportunity to finally add the final of the big three warships to his fleet. Not his official plans for being in Federation space, but it was a way to spend time while he was waiting for news to whether or not war will be declared. Of course, it was all the better to him if it didn't. It brought him no pleasure to be on the side of the Federation. Well...okay, any time he got to make Arissa and Denton eat crow was a good day to him.

As he scrolled through GalNet, a new article appeared. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as he clicked the headline and began to read. Slowly, a smile crept across his face as he took in the words. Princess Aisling, in her infinite defiance, personally went to aid Hadrian's recovery and offer protection. 'Typical', he thought as he looked out over the hangar, where the port side Aisling emblem was in full view on the Folly. Leave it to Aisling to throw propriety to the wind and do what she felt was right.

"Heh...good job, princess...I knew there was a reason I believed in you."
He chuckles a bit, then went back to reading. It most likely wasn't the case, but he couldn't help but wonder if the message he sent had actually managed to reach her, and if it did, did it influence her decision? Unlikely, but it was a nice thought.

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