Logbook entry

The Last Straw.

03 Aug 2021Cayce Luther
The peacefulness around the central star of Hyades Sector RO-P b6-6 is interrupted quickly by a High Wake ejecting a midnight black Anaconda into the system. The Luther's Folly settles into orbit around the star and begins scooping fuel immediately, readying as Cayce scans the instruments. Shyanne, his fighter pilot, was checking on the GU-97 and Condor Fighters locked in the hangar bay while the ship restocked its tanks after the long flight. The red glow of the star shown off the black hull, giving a more sinister air to the battle-hardened starship.

On the bridge, the atmosphere was tense. Cayce's hands flew over the controls as he went through system after system checking, double-checking and triple-checking everything he could. His eyes were narrowed and focused. It was becoming a familiar sight on the bridge of the Folly whenever news that involved NMLA attacks broke. One both crew members of the ship would rather do without. "Shyanne how does everything look?"

"Fighters are in top shape, Commander. Plenty of spares and more than enough ammunition to drill a hole through a Coriolis." The former Federal Navy pilot's voice rang over the bridge intercom as she responded.

"Good. Let's keep it that way." The ship computer pinged, the notification that the Folly was at fuel capacity and had shut down its fuel scoop. He immediately hauled the Anaconda around in an about face, aiming towards the Squadron's fleet carrier, and shunted the throttle forward, the ship taking off on its way.

"What's the plan, Commander?"

"Same as always. Focus on evacuations..." Cayce's fist clenched around the throttle lever. Again, going through his mind, the message from Theta Group after they attacked the Marlinist colonies.

'Why are they bombing their homes? Why would Theta Seven kill his own people? Because they are not our homes!' Those fucking idiots, Cayce thought to himself. Theta Group, in their infinite insanity, bombed two stations in Marlinist space, for the unimaginable crime of voting against the NMLA faction in the recent election for representation in the Senate. "Gee...a faction known for blowing things up...can't imagine why they weren't voted in for representation..."

His eyes glanced down at the readout showing the carrier, as well as the alignment dot to show he was on course. His hands clench around the controls, How much longer was this going to last? This song and dance, before Theta Group and NMLA are either eliminated or detained once more. Relaxing his grip, he took his hand of the control stick and slammed it down on the button for open, systemwide communication. "This is Commander Cayce Luther with a message for Theta Group." He winced before setting back and exhaling slowly. "I don't know what your goal really is...but it's sure as hell clear now it's not a restored republic. Your actions are proof of that."

His eyes closed for a second, before opening them and continuing on. "You're not freedom fighters...you're not revolutionaries...you're terrorists. Spineless, petty, angry cowards." He closed his fist around the control stick. "I dare you to show yourselves. I'll show you exactly what I think of your 'cause.'"

The nav computer pinged, and Cayce hit the button to drop supercruise. The Folly broke into normalspace with the DPHS Zentreya filling the canopy. Cayce hit the throttles and the ship sped forward, approaching the carrier's home base. "I'll see you soon, Theta. For your sake I hope you've made peace with your demons. Because you'll get no mercy from mine." Cayce closes down the open channels, and sits back in his chair, staring ahead at the black and red carrier filling his canopy and growing larger with each passing second. It'll come to a head eventually. It's only a matter of when. But for now, it's time to see how much of the pot he can stir. "The Dead Pirates' Society doesn't take kindly to terrorists...you fools are about to find that out the hard way."

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