Logbook entry

Dear God I need a break.

01 Dec 2021Cayce Luther
"I don't care what you do, so long as you don't put on that damn dominator suit or ANY suit for that matter with the intent of getting in a fight. Understood?"

Cayce sat aboard the Folly, those words echoing in his head as he mentally revisited his last interaction with Phoenix. He groaned. "Did I really say all that? Jeez...I sound like an overprotective hen.." He massaged his brow with his hand, sighing heavily. Seemed the conflict took its toll on his own mentality. He sat up in the chair and looked out the canopy of his ship.

The Folly still wore some battle scars on her paint from the most recent battles, and needed to be applied to armor plating that had been replaced, but all told the Midnight Black Anaconda held up well. Diagnostics all read green, and everything was functional. She had fresh fighters in the bay and spares ready for construction. If needed, she was ready. A good thing too, as Cayce stared out that canopy, right at the stolen Far God Megaship Sacrosanct.

The Folly sat 10km from the Sacrosanct, to the aft of the ship and port. Cayce had been sitting here for the better part of the last few hours, watching and observing. It was unclear whether or not the Theta Group remnants, or even Theta Seven were still on board. Still, Cayce couldn't exactly hang out around the Steel Majesty with how many Neo Marlinists he'd sent to meet their makers so here he sat, thinking about the next step.

A frame shift wake snapped him out of his reverie. Looking to his scanner, and then to the right, he noticed a red hull looming into view to the starboard of the ship, coming to a stop just ahead of the Folly. Even with the color change, Cayce recognized it instantly. "Morgana...of course." Cayce looked down at his comms, then clicked the squadron channel open. "Thought I told you to go on leave."

"Oh, I heard you. And I've no intention to disobey."

"Then who the hell let you out."

"Sorry, Commander."

"...Shyanne." Cayce glanced over. The voice of his fighter pilot coming through the comms. "You let her out?"

Phoenix's voice returned over the speakers. "I was told I couldn't fly and my own pilot is stuck at the carrier."

"And she went along with it?"

"She asked me nicely."

"I see...so it's treason, then."

Phoenix snorts. "Relax. I'm not doing any of the flying myself. It's all Shyanne." She looked out towards the megaship. "So what do you think?"

Cayce looked back towards Sacrosanct and sighed softly. "Nothing we can do, for now. Just watch and wait for them to make a move.."

"They're an awfully large target just sitting there." Phoenix mused

"But we've no idea if they're even there. If they aren't, attacking would be pointless."

"They would have also run by now."

"...maybe. Theta1 took over the ship's nav system. They probably can't run." Cayce's hand gripped the throttle lever. tightly. He didn't like not knowing. "And without knowing if there's no hostages aboard..."

"Take it easy. We'll get our chance."

"I know. But damn it I hate waiting."


.."Damn it, I think I need a break too."

For a time after that the two ships sat in silent observation of the Sacrosanct, both knowing full well the fight wasn't over yet.

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