Logbook entry

Alexandria found....

21 Jan 2022Cayce Luther
Deep in the Wregoe Sector, aboard a newly re-outfitted Traveler, Cayce's fist slammed the console of his chair as the last of the logs he listened to finished on his databanks' playlist.. A growl escapes his lips as he glances over at the right hand panel of his command chair. He could feel his blood boiling as the last words left the screen.

"You...fucking..." Cayce's voice shook, fist trembling where it hit the chair. The Diamondback's engines howled at full burn as it had been leaving behind a debris field that was now about 30km behind him, in the time it took him to listen to the six log entries he found among the remains. The wreckage behind was the last of a trail of sites that comprised the remains of the AEGIS Alexandria. "...And I helped you...you son of a-..."

Cayce sat back in his chair and immediately pinged off every single data entry from the Alexandria. Not only to his friend in Aisling's Angels, but to Phoenix, Bradwell and the rest of DPHS. Alongside emergency broadcasts to Cemiess, as well as Rhea and Gateway. Then he set back. "If I find out it was you..."

He sat in this fume for several minutes...and after that time a priority ping came from the squadron channel. HE popped it open and without a moment, Phoenix's voice came up. "THAT SLIMEY SON OF A BITCH"

"Yeah...has Salvation's name all over it..."

"That's messed up. I understand the need to be able to combat the Thargoids but to do this?"

"Four thousand people dead...plus everyone who died in the recent thargoid attacks...If Salvation knocked out the Alexandria-.."

"Then he has the blood of tens if not hundreds of thousands on his hands."

"And he doesn't. Get. Away with it."

"Agreed. If he's behind it; he burns. What's your call?"

"Tell the Squadron as of now Salvation is considered a threat and highly dangerous. No action is to be taken until the investigation involving Ram Tah's evidence on the superweapon is complete. If it's discovered that Salvation developed that weapon using artifacts he purged from the Alexandria, or those artifacts were used to draw the thargoids to those stations...the Dead Pirates' Society will give no quarter. Salvation falls."

"Copy. I'll make preparations. See you on the Renegade."

"Save a Sarsaparilla for me."

"Will do."

The comms on the ship go silent and Cayce looks behind him one last time before hauling back on the stick, making his ship climb away from the belts. After entering the Renegade as a location, Cayce engages the FSD, angles for the jump, and within the next few seconds, The Traveler disappears from the planet, leaving the fallen crew of the AEGIS Megaship to rest in their asteroid belt tomb.
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