Logbook entry

Missing in Action

27 May 2022Cayce Luther

(The Traveler flying through open space on its way back from Sag A to Colonia)

The crew of the Renegade watch on as the Green Diamondback known as The Traveler touches down in Ember. The first time in the last two months any of the crew had seen the ship or its captain. The air on the bridge was filled with a nervous energy. The Commander had been on a communications blackout for the entirety of the trip by orders. "No communications, no distractions. I need to be completely focused on this."

That didn't leave the crew feeling good about what was about to happen. As the heat scored and shredded paint of The Traveler sank into its hangar bay, the bridge crew returned to work. This news was for the Captain to deliver...

Down in the bay, an exhausted Cayce clicked off all the systems on the Diamondback, the ship not having shut down that entire time. As the console went dark, Cayce sat back and sighed in relief. It was a great trip to be sure, but good to be home. He reveled in the silence for just a few moments before finally getting up and heading out the rear hatch, leaving the carrier's cleanup crews to deal with the interior of the ship as he was greeted by support staff on his way to the elevators who swarmed him with clipboards and requests. Mostly signing orders off on orders and repairs, resupplies, things of that nature.

Up the elevators into the concourse of the megaship, Cayce immediately made his way to the viewing area where he took the last lift up to the bridge. The door slid open to the carrier captain, Luther Hudson, snapping to a salute. "Commander on deck!"

Still not used to it, but the strict military man Hudson was, Cayce sighed and returned the salute. "At ease, Captain...you know I can't stand military formality."

"Ahem..yes, well...be that as it may..."

Don't worry, I get it. Old habits and all that." Cayce walks over to the console at his command chair and punches in a few keys, checking the status of the carrier. "How's our girl doing?"

"Renegade is fully functional and ready for deployment, as always sir."

"That's good. Sorry to leave you all in the dark for so long...I just really needed to get this out of the way. It's been eluding me for years."

"I...understand, sir." Luther looked over his Commander's demeanor as Cayce observed the console displays. He was clearly tired. He must have spent the entire last day of this trip cannonballing back to the Bubble. He battled for a moment to tell him the news, before finally putting his mind to it. "Commander..-"

He didn't get the chance. "Alexandria's command has been transferred to the Renegade? This happened yesterday..." Cayce turned around, clearly confused. "Why would Henson do that?"

"Emergency protocols, sir." Hudson replied.

"Emergency pro-..." Cayce's eyes snapped into focus as his gaze met Luther's. "What happened..where's Phoenix?"

"There was...a message that came in. She went to investigate. Left command of the squadron and her carrier with us until she came back."

"Message...what message?"

Luther walked to the carrier's command chair and cued it up. Cayce immediately sat down and read through it. Something from a former AEGIS member...giving the location of a base that could give information on Salvation..."She left in her DBX to check it out three days ago, we lost contact yesterday, and hasn't returned, or made contact since. Unless she returns, command of the Alexandria is ours until its funds for upkeep either run out, or ownership is transferred to someone new."

"..." Cayce clenched his fist, staring at his carrier captain for moments that felt like an eternity. Until he finally turned around and started queueing up orders on the ship's command console.


"Prep the Folly with a size 4 SRV bay and a DSS, then make these changes to the paint and prep her for departure."

"The...The Folly, sir?"

"She's best equipped for armed extraction. If Phoenix is in trouble, I want all the firepower I can carry."

Luther looked at him with an air of concern. "Sir you just got back and you clearly haven't slept...you should get some rest before you do anything."

"To hell with that. I can sleep on the ship. Get her ready."


Cayce turned to face Luther. "That's an order, Captain."

And without waiting for a response, Cayce left for his office. Luther watched him disappear behind the door then muttered "Yes sir..."


An hour later, Cayce walked onto the landing pad with the Folly sitting, ready to deploy. Cayce looked up at the midnight black Anaconda, a rucksack hanging off his shoulder filled with what he could collect from the Diamondback. "...I hope we're not too late."

He heard footsteps behind him and he turned to look. His fighter pilot, Shyanne was walking up behind him similarly geared up. She gave him a small smirk. "Heard you were heading out already."

"...You heard right. Got work to do. What are you doing here?"

"Going with you. You didn't hire me for my looks."

"...This isn't your fight. You don't have to come along for this."

"All due respect sir; if Phoenix went missing; you're not going out there alone. And, frankly, you're not getting rid of me that easily."

After a moment's pause, Cayce just gives a small smirk. "Alright, let's get aboard. We got a Commander to find."

"Aye, Commander."

Without another word, the both of them walk towards the Luther's Folly. After a few minutes the Anaconda lifts up into open space, brand new Triple Elite badges adorning the sides of the hull as the ship turns to take off towards the stars, the destination in her nav computer: DG Canum Venaticorum.

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︎5 Shiny!
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